Title Uloga društvenih mreža u predstavljanju hrvatskih visokoškolskih ustanova
Title (english) The Role of Social Networks in the Presentation of Croatian Higher Education Institutions
Author Kruno Golubić
Mentor Mihaela Banek Zorica (mentor) MBZ: 241590
Committee member Sonja Špiranec (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 265091
Committee member Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 336090
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
Abstract Cilj ovog rada bio je prikupljanje podataka o zastupljenosti hrvatskih visokoškolskih ustanova na društvenim mrežama zajedno s analizom sadržaja koje ustanove objavljuju kako bi se na osnovi prikupljenih podataka definirale smjernice za izradu komunikacijske strategije i ostvarivanje prisutnosti visokoškolskih ustanova na društvenim mrežama.
Podaci o prisutnosti na društvenim mrežama prikupljani su tijekom akademske godine 2013/14. Od Ministarstva znanosti obrazovanja i sporta dobiven je popis
... More svih hrvatskih visokoškolskih ustanova. U potrazi za poveznicama prema društvenim mrežama posjećene su web stranice svih ustanova s tog popisa. Na taj način željelo se osigurati da su pronađeni sadržaji na društvenim mrežama službeni odnosno da iza njih stoji ustanova. Od 133 pregledane stranice ustanova, na njih 53 pronađene su valjane poveznice prema društvenim mrežama.
Kako bi se dobile povratne informacije i mišljenja o društvenim mrežama distribuirana su i dva anketna upitnika. Prvi upitnik bio je namijenjen ispitivanju stavova osoba povezanih s hrvatskim visokoškolskim ustanovama. Prikupljeno je 307 ispunjenih upitnika, a ispitanici su bili povezani sa 64 visokoškolske ustanove.
Drugi upitnik, namijenjen ispitivanju stavova osoba zaduženih za prisutnost hrvatskih visokoškolskih ustanova na društvenim mrežama, poslan je na 53 ustanove za koje se utvrdilo da imaju prisutnost na društvenim mrežama. Na upitnik su odgovorile 24 ustanove.
Provedena istraživanja pokazala su da ustanove imaju korist od prisutnosti na društvenim mrežama, ali da se ne koriste u punoj mjeri potencijalima koje im one pružaju. Kako bi ustanove mogle ostvariti puni potencijal koje im pružaju društvene mreže na kraju rada nalaze se i smjernice za izradu komunikacijske strategije putem društvenih mreža. Less
Abstract (english) Social networks are not a new phenomenon. They have been present on the Internet since the middle of the 1990’s, but in the recent years they have become a topic of everyday conversations. As the social networks became a part of everyday life, they also became a part of the academic community.
The aim of this study was to collect data on the usage of social networks by institutions of higher education in Croatia, as well as to analyse the published content in order to use the collected data to
... More define guidelines for developing communication strategy and increasing the institutions’ presence on social networks. In its introduction, the dissertation gives a short overview of social networks’ characteristics, as well as the existing definitions. The introduction also proposes a definition of social networks which covers all aspects of a modern social network. Beside the definition, this chapter also proposes a social network classification by which all social networks can be distributed into three categories. The suggested classification represents a more simplified distribution than some other classifications, nevertheless it is comprehensive and applicable even beyond the scope of this dissertation. The introduction also discloses various statistical data about the number of social networks’ users, as well as the manner in which users use them.
Data about the presence of higher education institutions on social networks were gathered during the academic year 2013/2014. In order to determine if an institution is present on social networks or not, institutions’ official web sites were reviewed. Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of Republic of Croatia provided a list of all Croatian higher education institutions. There are 136 higher education institutions in total, 101 of which are state funded and 35 are privately funded institutions.
All higher education institutions’ web sites were visited and reviewed on September 23rd 2013. Out of 136 web sites, 133 were accessible, i.e., on that date three web sites, one belonging to a public institution and two belonging to private institutions, were unreachable, i.e., their web servers were inaccessible.
Upon visiting all web sites, links to all social networks were noted down which means that the list of social networks was not defined beforehand.
Out of 133 reviewed web sites, 53 web sites contained valid links to social networks. One web site did contain a link, but it was not a valid Facebook page so it was not included in the study. Out of 53 institutions included in the study, 30 are state funded and 23 are privately funded institutions.
Nine social networks were identified in total. Out of those nine identified, institutions use Facebook the most (N=45), then YouTube (N=20) and Twitter (N=17). LinkedIn has a reputation of being a professional business social network so it is surprising that a relatively small number of institutions (N=8) use it. The small number of institutions using Google+ is also surprising (N=2). Other identified social networks (Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr and Vimeo) are each used by only one institution.
Two surveys were distributed in order to receive institutions’ feedback and opinion on social networks. The aim of the first survey was to assess attitudes of people associated with higher education institutions in Croatia towards social networks. During a two-month period, from March 30th 2015 to May 28th 2015, an online questionnaire was sent to employees, associates and students in order to collect feedback and attitudes about the necessity of official presence of Croatian higher education institutions on social networks. The questionnaire was filled out by 307 participants from 64 higher education institutions.
The aim of the second survey was to assess attitudes of people responsible for the presence of Croatian higher education institutions on social networks and it was sent to 53 institutions which were officially present on social networks. During the period from April 22nd 2015 to May 22nd 2015, 24 institutions filled out the questionnaire. Another goal of this survey was to gather data about the reasons why the institutions use social networks, the benefits of using social networks and the use of social networks for advertising purposes, as well as the overall opinion about social networks and their benefits.
Surveys showed that institutions do indeed benefit from using social networks, but that they also do not use them to the full extent of their capacity. In order for them to do so, the dissertation provides guidelines for developing a communication strategy by using social networks Less
hrvatske visokoškolske ustanove
društvene mreže
prisutnost na društvenim mrežama
komunikacijska strategija
Keywords (english)
Croatian higher education
social networks
social network presence
benefits of presence on social networks
communication strategy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:102:527811
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (Doctoral) Program in Information Science Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-04-24 12:59:57