Naslov Digitalne kompetencije nastavnika za primjenu e-učenja u visokom obrazovanju
Naslov (engleski) Teachers' digital competencies for e-learning in higher education
Autor Sandra Kučina Softić
Mentor Jadranka Lasić-Lazić (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Mihaela Banek Zorica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Krešimir Pavlina (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Igor Balaban (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Filozofski fakultet (Odsjek za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti) Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2020-01-16, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 37 - Obrazovanje
Sažetak Digitalne tehnologije danas su sastavni dio našeg društva, a razvoj informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija je jedna od najvećih revolucija u sferi ljudske komunikacije i upravljanja informacijama. Informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije utječu na sve aspekte društva, tako i na učenje, poučavanje i istraživanje dajući potencijal za inovativnost, za bolji i veći razvoj vještina potrebnih za tržište rada. U obrazovnom sustavu danas imamo učenike i studente koji su rođeni u 21. stoljeću i
... Više koji danas imaju neograničen pristup informacijama, koji se svakodnevno služe digitalnim tehnologijama i koji više ne žele pasivno slušati i memorirati servirane informacije. Oni očekuju da će izaći iz obrazovnog sustava sa znanjima i vještinama koje su im potrebne da budu zapošljivi na tržištu rada, da su u stanju se dalje usavršavati i da su u mogućnosti aktivno sudjelovati u društvu. Stoga je potrebno provesti promjene u načinu i metodama poučavanja i učenja ne samo u sustavu visokog obrazovanja, nego na svim razinama obrazovanja. Digitalne tehnologije mogu obogatiti iskustvo učenja, donose nove i inovativne mogućnosti poučavanja i učenja, omogućavaju podizanje kvalitete obrazovnog procesa kao i bolje postizanje ishoda učenja. Europska komisija kontinuirano ističe važnost obrazovanja te mogućnosti digitalnih tehnologija u unaprjeđenju kvalitete obrazovnog procesa, većoj dostupnosti i inkluzivnosti obrazovanja i obrazovnih sadržaja, te stjecanju novih znanja, vještina i kompetencija. Već s Lisabonskom strategijom1, zatim nizom dokumenata vezanih uz obrazovanje pa sve do Akcijskog plana za digitalno obrazovanje (Europska komisija, 2018) Europska komisija nastoji podići svijest zemalja članica i svih koji se bave obrazovanjem o važnosti primjene digitalnih tehnologija u procesu poučavanja i učenja na svim razinama obrazovanja, ali i potrebe da se nastavnici kontinuirano usavršavaju, da imaju digitalne kompetencije i budu inovativni. Na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu sustavna implementacija e-učenja započela je 2007. godine donošenjem Strategije e-učenja. Pri tome je e-učenje definirano kao sinonim za novo, moderno i kvalitetno obrazovanje. Sustavna implementacije e-učenja na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu koja je tada započela, donijela je nove izazove i za uprave visokoškolskih ustanova i za nastavnike. Pred nastavnikom je novi izazov, osim što treba poznavati tehnologiju, mora biti i kompetentan pronaći način kako je integrirati u nastavu, a pri tome se i uloga nastavnika mijenja. S ovom premisom krenulo se u razradu teze o važnosti i potrebi digitalnih kompetencija nastavnika gledajući prvenstveno potrebe nastavnika na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, ali i svih nastavnika u sustavu visokog obrazovanja. Hipoteze istraživanja usmjerene su prema digitalnim kompetencijama nastavnika za primjenu e-učenja, te programima usavršavanja i osposobljavanja vezano uz ICT i e-učenje te dostupnosti tehnologija i alata e-učenja te podrške u njihovoj primjeni i implementaciji u obrazovni proces. Tijekom istraživanja uzeta su u obzir i iskustva stečena u dugogodišnjem radu doktoranda u visokom obrazovanju te radu u Centru za e-učenje u Srcu koji djeluje kao središnje mjesto za sustavnu implementaciju i podršku e-učenju na Sveučilištu, te pruža podršku nastavnicima, sastavnicama i studentima u radu s tehnologijama e-učenja i njihovoj primjeni u nastavi, i održava sveučilišnu platformu za e-učenje i virtualno okruženje za e-učenje. Rad je rezultirao istraživačkim izvješćem o digitalnim kompetencijama nastavnika Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pa će u praktičnom smislu rezultati koristiti upravi Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i upravama sastavnica Sveučilišta vezano uz usavršavanje nastavnika u digitalnim kompetencija kao i sustavnom kontinuiranom stručnog usavršavanju nastavnika. Rezultati se svakako biti od koristi i Centru za e-učenje u Srcu i centrima za e-učenje na sastavnicama kako bi mogli promišljati i unaprijediti podršku nastavnicima. U radu se željelo istražiti koliko digitalne kompetencije utječu na prihvaćanje e-učenja i njegovu integraciju u obrazovni proces, koji je stav nastavnika prema e-učenju te koje digitalne kompetencije su im potrebne kako bi na kvalitetan način primijenili e-učenje u nastavi. Također se željelo istražiti koliko nedostatak digitalnih kompetencija utječe na nastavnike i njihovu spremnost i motivaciju da integriraju digitalne tehnologije i nove načine poučavanja u obrazovni proces. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja uočeni su čimbenici i varijable koje utječu na spremnost i motivaciju nastavnika u sustavu visokog obrazovanja u primjeni e-učenja u nastavi. Znanstveni doprinos rada sastoji se u teorijskom i istraživačkom dijelu. U teorijskom dijelu napravljen je opširan osvrt na stručnu domaću i stranu literaturu te je dan doprinos vezano uz metodologije provođenja stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika u digitalnim kompetencijama. Istraživanje, provedeno kao potpora teorijskom dijelu, pokazalo je da nastavnici na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu u velikom postotku imaju pozitivan stav prema primjeni ICT i tehnologija e-učenja u nastavi, da dostupnost tehnologija i alata e-učenja te podrška u njihovoj primjeni pozitivno utječu na motivaciju nastavnika za implementaciju e-učenja u obrazovni proces te da je stav nastavnika pozitivniji ako je stanje na ustanovi povoljno prema ICT i tehnologijama e-učenja. Pri tome većina nastavnika smatra da su digitalno kompetentni za primjenu e-učenja u nastavi u visokom obrazovanju, ali im je potrebno stručno osposobljavanje vezano uz digitalnu pedagogiju te nešto manje u suvremenim tehnologijama. Međutim razina primjene digitalnih tehnologija u nastavi je relativno niska, većinom se koriste kako dodatak nastavi. Ujedno je istraživanje potvrdilo važnost sustavnog i kontinuiranog stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika te stvaranja okruženja za suradnju u kojem nastavnici imaju podršku i poticaj da budu što bolji nastavnici. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali i da je sustavna i kvalitetna podrška nastavnicima u primjeni ICT i tehnologija e-učenja vrlo važna, ali i isto tako i prepoznavanje i vrednovanje rada u nastavi. Analiza literature i postojećih istraživanja također ukazuje da je usavršavanje nastavnika u korištenju i primjeni digitalnih tehnologija ključan faktor za kvalitetu obrazovnog procesa te može znatno unaprijediti studentsko postignuće. Kontinuirano usavršavanje nastavnika još uvijek nije obavezno niti osigurano na većini visokoškolskih ustanova te se u radu razmatraju i okviri za digitalne kompetencije kao i modeli stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika u digitalnim kompetencijama. Time se otvara mogućnost za redefiniranje polazišta i unaprjeđenje edukacije nastavnika za primjenu e-učenja u nastavi. Na kraju rada dane su preporuke za organizaciju i provedbu kontinuiranog stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Digital technologies are an integral part of our society today, and the development of information and communication technologies is one of the biggest revolutions in the field of human communication and information management. Information and communication technologies affect all aspects of society, as well as learning, teaching and research, giving the potential for innovation, for better and greater development of skills needed for the labour market. In the education system today, we have
... Više students born in the 21st century who have unlimited access to information today, who use digital technologies on a daily basis, and who no longer want to passively listen and memorize information served. They expect to leave the education system with the knowledge and skills they need to be employable in the labour market, to be able to be lifelong learners and to be able to actively participate in society. Therefore, it is necessary to implement changes in the ways and methods of teaching and learning not only in the higher education system, but at all levels of education. Digital technologies can enrich the learning experience, bring new and innovative teaching and learning opportunities, improve the quality of the educational process and better achieve learning outcomes. New technologies bring new opportunities for teaching and learning, and in addition to being an expert in subject field, the teacher needs to monitor development of ICT and get acquainted with them as well as to have a good pedagogical background to know how to implement them in the educational process. The teacher is facing a great challenge, he/she is expected to be competent in using new technologies, to be able to apply them to the educational process and to introduce new teaching methods. They are expected, practically overnight, to have all the knowledge and competencies needed to take on the new role of mentor, coordinator and facilitator of the educational process. There is increasing pressure on the teacher who is expected to have all the necessary knowledge, but no one asks do they have it, what are the conditions in which they work when it comes to teaching and how they will acquire the necessary knowledge and competencies to fulfil all expectations. The idea and reflections about the topic of doctoral thesis are based on the challenges that higher education teachers encounter today regarding the teaching and implementation of e-learning, as well as on author’s experiences for more than 15 years in working with and supporting teachers in implementation of e-learning in the educational process. In this research, primarily the experience of teachers at the University of Zagreb was monitored and investigated. The topic of the doctoral thesis is conceptualized in seven chapters and conclusions. The second chapter describes the development of the today’s environment and the relationship between information and communication technologies, higher education and teachers. This chapter begins with the information technologies revolution, then reflect on the knowledge society and the networked society and the concept of digital transformation. In this context, teachers view in a networked society has been provided. The third chapter describes the environment in which the research is conducted and observed - the higher education system in Croatia and the University of Zagreb and the situation related to e-learning. The process of systematic implementation of e-learning at the University of Zagreb is described, taking into account available strategies and performed analyses in relation to e-learning. Chapter four gives a definition of e-learning and describes the forms of e-learning according to the manner and intensity of use of information and communication technologies, and explains the possibilities of e-learning application in higher education. This chapter also outlines the factors that influence the adoption and integration of ICT and e-learning in teaching. In addition to a detailed review of the available literature on this topic, personal, institutional and cultural factors and technical factors have been addressed as the most influential on teachers' attitude to implement e-learning in the educational process. In addition to these, identified are also factors that influence the participation of university teachers in professional development. Finally, an example of teacher training in the field of e-learning is given - an example of the E-Learning Centre at SRCE. The fifth chapter titled Teachers’ Digital Competencies provides a definition of digital competence and elaborate the topic, taking into account various relevant sources. Digital competences are discussed from the aspect of higher education teachers, looking at what digital competencies teachers need and how important they are for implementing technologies in the educational process and applying new teaching methods. This chapter also addresses the frameworks for teachers’ digital competences, especially highlighting the DigiCompEdu Framework adopted by the European Commission, which is comprehensive and tailored to the needs of teachers at all levels of education. This framework can help teachers assess and develop digital competencies, while highlighting the six different phases that are typical of developing teachers' digital competencies. In addition, this framework also provides a tool that teachers can use to self-assess their digital competencies. The following section also elaborates the process of integrating digital technologies into the educational process. The stages by which teachers adopt technology and the challenges teachers face in using and successfully implementing e-learning in teaching are presented and explained. The importance of the pedagogical aspect is particularly emphasized in this chapter, although this section has been presented in previous chapters. This chapter also deals with the teachers’ training in digital competences, starting with the concept of teacher training, and provides an overview of existing documents and reports dealing with the professional development of teachers in education, especially in higher education. Finally, a review of existing teacher training programs is given and recommendations are made for the organization of teacher training in the digital competences needed for e-learning implementation. Chapter six presents the research methodology. This chapter provides a theoretical starting point for research, explains the purpose of the research, and provides a list of issues discussed in the research. Here are set out the research hypotheses, research methodology, how the research was conducted and how the data were collected. This section gives a clear insight into the research settings, and in particular explains the process of preparing and conducting the survey towards the teachers of the University of Zagreb as one of the research methods and its analysis. Chapter seven goes on to the previous chapters and provides an analysis of the results of the survey in several sections, from demographic data presentation, analysis of e-learning applications in teaching, technology support to teachers, and teacher training in ICT and e-learning technologies. The results are presented textually and through tables and charts using MS Excel, the programming language R and the programming language Statistica. The chapter eighth provides the final consideration and reflection and overview of the doctoral thesis. In addition, directions for possible activities related to the acquisition of teachers' competence for the application of e-learning in higher education are given. The dissertation ends with a comprehensive list of literature and an annex in which the questionnaire was used to conduct the survey. The scientific contribution of the doctoral thesis consists of theoretical and research part. In the theoretical part, an extensive review of the professional domestic and international literature has been made, and contributions have been made regarding the methodologies for conducting teacher professional development in digital competences. The research, conducted in support of the theoretical part, showed that teachers at the University of Zagreb in a large percentage have a positive attitude towards the application of ICT and e-learning technologies in teaching, that the availability of e-learning technologies and tools and the support in their application have a positive influence on motivation teachers for the implementation of e-learning in the educational process and that the attitude of teachers is more positive if the situation in the institution is favourable to ICT and e-learning technologies. Most teachers find that they are digitally competent to apply e-learning in higher education teaching, but they need professional training in digital pedagogy and, to a lesser extent, modern technologies. However, the level of application of digital technologies in teaching is relatively low, mostly they are used as an addition to teaching. At the same time, the research confirmed the importance of systematic and continuous professional development of teachers and the creation of a collaborative environment in which teachers have the support and incentive to be as good teachers as possible. The results of the research showed that systematic and quality support for teachers in the application of ICT and e-learning technologies is very important, but also recognition and evaluation of teaching. An analysis of the literature and existing research indicates that teacher training in use and application of digital technologies is a key factor for the quality of the educational process and can significantly improve student achievement. Continuous teacher training is not yet mandatory or secured at most higher education institutions, and digital competency frameworks and models of teacher professional development in digital competencies are also discussed. This opens up the opportunity to redefine the starting point and improve teacher education for the application of e-learning in teaching. At the end of the paper, recommendations for the organization and implementation of continuous professional development of teachers at the University of Zagreb are given. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT)
digitalne kompetencije
visoko obrazovanje
poučavanje i učenje
Ključne riječi (engleski)
information and communication technologies (ICT)
digital competencies
higher education
teaching and learning
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:102:807084
Studijski program Naziv: Informacijske znanosti Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti (Dr. sc.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Opseg 182 str. ; 30 cm
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2020-05-05 09:39:10